Discover keys on how TO BURN FOR jesus IN THESE END TIMES and get breakthrough in the complacent areas of your christian walk

burning ones

digital course

Jeremiah Johnson and Billy Humphrey take you on a journey to discover what it means to burn red hot for Jesus in these tumultuous times we live in.

There are things that are blocking each one of us from experiencing the refining fire of Christ that causes us to shine brightly to a dying world.

How do you stay on fire and invite others to burn with you? Learn now through this course!

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Jeremiah johnson and billy humphrey invite you

to live a life on fire for jesus

Discover what Revelation 3 TRULY says about the lukewarm Church (a word from Billy Humphrey for today's Church).

Understanding the Laodicean Spirit being released as a result of gold being refined by God's fire in the earth today.

Revealed: What does a mature bride of Christ look like, and do we see it in today's Churches?

​​​​Understand God's transcendant connection with His bride, and achieving an open and vulnerable lifestyle that compells us into oneness—a fresh look at John 17.

Learn the two most common things that are curently blocking the Church from burning for Jesus.

Altar Global Partner

Revival begins in the home, and it's happening in ours! The message to recognize God's premium on family, marriage, and everyday life was so confirming. The Lord restored me to His call of motherhood in the kingdom and the joy of mothering my own children. Thank you for creating space for the Holy Spirit to sweep in. I am left with eager anticipation for what God is doing and will do next!

WHY we created this course

There's many theories about what's going on in the world today with regard to the spiritual battles we see all around us.

But even with all the speculation there's one thing that's certain—Jesus is returning for a spotless bride in the earth.

This e-course with Billy Humphrey and Jeremiah Johnson is a timely training for the believer who wants to burn so brightly that the world can't help but notice their fire.

You'll discover a fresh word for today's church from Billy that reveals the lukewarm church mentioned in revelation 3. You'll also understand what it means to clean out your conscience in a way that allows you to persue the gifting you have on your life, with no turning back.

Lastly, you'll hear from Jeremiah and Billy together as they discuss things they would have done differently in their ministry that would have helped them burn brighter for Christ, faster.

We look forward to seeing you on the inside!

what's included:

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10 video modules from both Jeremiah Johnson and Billy Humphrey full of keys, biblical insight, and revelation to go back, study, and pray through.

The Key Foundation to Living with a Burning Heart for Jesus

The Upper Room Discourse

Living with an Open and Vulnerable Heart

Jealousy Keeps Us From Our Maturity and Destiny

Envy and Jealousy Work Against a Having Burning Heart for God

Crush Pride if You Want to Stay on Fire

Reconciling Broken Relationships

God’s Mission: To Build a Family

How to Biblically Measure “Success” in a World of Hustle

A Special Bonus Sermon from Billy Humphrey

become a firebrand

We're so positive this course will take you on a journey of discovering what it means to live as a firebrand for God. We are believing for breakthrough in your personal life and in the Body of Christ as God is seeking to raise up end-time messengers in these last days. We pray that it blesses you richly. Enjoy!


ABOUT Jeremiah Johnson

Jeremiah Johnson is a graduate of Southeastern University in Florida where he earned a BA in Biblical Studies and minored in Missions. Upon graduation in 2010, he and his wife planted “Heart of the Father Ministry” in Lakeland, Florida, and served on the leadership team for a decade. In 2020, he moved his family to Charlotte, North Carolina where he founded “The Altar Global”, a movement of Christians who share a common urgency and desire for the return of Jesus Christ and the preparation of the Bride for that glorious Day.

Jeremiah is a bestselling author of multiple books and travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. He has been a guest on many popular Christian television and radio shows such as Daystar, TBN, GodTV, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, and the 700 Club.

He also oversees “The Altar School of Ministry” in Concord, NC, a one year intensive program available in person and online that seeks to equip end time messengers in every sphere of society. For more go to: or

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ABOUT billy humphrey

Billy Humphrey carries a burning passion for revival and to see a generation made ready for the return of the Lord. In 2004, after serving as a local youth pastor for thirteen years, Billy planted the International House of Prayer (IHOP ATL) in Lawrenceville, GA. Within two years, IHOP Atlanta went 24/7 with live worship and prayer taking place around the clock. In 2018, IHOP Atlanta merged with New Bridge Church to form a new spiritual family centered around live 24/7 worship and prayer. In 2021, IHOP Atlanta and NewBridge Church retired their respective names and together became "GateCity Church." Today, Billy serves as the Director of GateCity Church, a spiritual family of multiple cultures and generations that is centered around 24/7 worship and prayer. GateCity has bases planted in seven different nations that are focused on bringing the Gospel to the unreached through prayer and missions.

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